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The links below are organized in chronological order and in standard reference style. Click on titles to download the .zip file.
1971. Barton-A relationship between joint roughness and joint shear strength. Nancy  |
1971. Barton-Model study of rock-joint deformation. IJRMMS  |
1971. Barton-Progressive failure of excavated rock slopes. Illinois |
1972. Barton-Model study of air transport from underground openings. Stuttgart  |
1973. Barton-A new shear strength criterion for rock joints. Eng. Geol  |
1973. Barton-Shear strength of filled discontinuities. Bergmekk. Oslo  |
1974. Barton, N. Estimating the shear strength of rock joints. 3rd. ISRM cong.  |
1974. Barton, Lien and Lunde-Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel support  |
1976. Barton-Recent experiences with the Q-system. Johannesburg  |
1976. Barton-Shear strength of rock and rock joints. IJRMMS  |
1976. Barton-Unsupported underground openings. Stockholm  |
1977. Barton and Choubey-The shear strength of rock joints. Rock Mechanics  |
1977. ARMA-75-Discussion on Barton et al. Q. pp.237-242  |
1977. Barton, Lien, Lunde,. Estimation of support for underground excavations  |
1979. Barton and Hansteen-Very large span openings. Atlanta  |
1980. Barton and Bandis-Some effects of scale on shear strength of rock joints. IJRMMS  |
1980. Barton, Løset, Lien, Lunde-Application of Q-system for underground installations. Stockholm  |
1980. Barton-Discussion on Krahn and Morgenstern re ultimate friction. IJRMMS  |
1981. Voegele, Hardin, Lingle, Board, Barton-Site characterization of joint permeability using the heated block test. Boston |
1981. Bandis, Lumsden, Barton-Experimental scale effects on shear behaviour. IJRMMS  |
1981. Barton and Kjaernsli-Shear strength of rockfill. GT7, ASCE, USA  |
1981. Barton-Shear strength investigations for surface mining. Also discussion. Vancouver |
1981. Barton-Size dependent properties of joints and faults. Geophys. Res. Letters  |
1982. Barton and Bandis-Effects of block size on the shear behaviour of jointed rock. Berkeley  |
1982. Barton-Modelling rock joint behaviour from in situ block tests. ONWI-308, USA  |
1982. Barton and Lingle-Rock mass characterization methods for nuclear waste repositories. Zurich  |
1982. Barton, N. Characterizing rock masses to improve excavation design. 4th IAEG, New Dehli  |
1983. Barton and Bakhtar-Bolt design based on shear strength. Abisko, Sweden  |
1983. Barton and Bakhtar-Instrumentation and analysis of a deep shaft in quartzite. Texas  |
1983. Bandis, Lumsden, Barton, Fund. of joint deformation. IJRMMS.  |
1983. Barton, Bakhtar, Bandis. Rock joint description and modelling for near-field repository. Mat. Res. Socs  |
1984. Bakhtar and Barton-Large scale static and dynamic friction experiments. Chicago  |
1984. Barton-Effects of rock mass deformation on tunnel performance in seismic regions. Caracas  |
1984. Bakhtar, K. and Barton. N. Large scale static and dynamic friction. Illinois  |
1985. Barton, Bandis and Bakhtar-Strength, deformation and conductivity coupling of rock joints. IJRMMS  |
1985. Barton et al. and tests to investigate the Ekofisk subsidence. Oslo  |
1985. Barton et al. Modelling and measurement of super-conducting rock joints. Rapid City, DK. ARMA85  |
1985. Barton, N. Rock joint modelling applied to jointed reservoirs. Chalk Symp. Stavanger  |
1986. Barton-Deformation phenomena in jointed rock. Geotechnique, 8th Laurits Bjerrum Memorial Lecture  |
1986. Bakhtar, K. and Barton, N. In situ rock deformability tests at Rocky Mt Pumped Hydro. ARMA, Alamama  |
1986. Bandis, S. and Barton, N. Failure modes of deep boreholes. ARMA, U. of Alabama  |
1987. Barton et al.-Rock mechanics investigations for unlined pressure tunnels and air cushion surge chambers. Oslo  |
1987. Barton-Predicting the behaviour of underground openings in jointed rock. 4th Manual Rocha Memorial  |
1987. Barton et al. Modelling rock mass conductivity changes. ARMA87, Tucson, Arizona  |
1987. Barton, N. Discontinuities. Ch.5 of Ground Engineer's Handbook Ed. Bell  |
1987. Bandis, S. et al. Three-dimensional stress state, fracturing, cavities, weak rock. Montreal  |
1988. Barton-Rock mass classification and tunnel reinforcement using the Q-system  |
1988. Barton-Some aspects of rock joint behaviour under dynamic conditions. Torino  |
1988. Barton et al.-Discontinuum compaction and subsidence modelling  |
1988. Barton, N. Previsao do comportamento. 4th Rocha Lecture. Trans. to Portugese. Geotecnia 53  |
1989. Barton-Cavern design for Hong Kong rocks. Hong Kong  |
1989. Barton et al. Rock mechanics for high pressure gas storage. Trondheim  |
1990. Barton-Scale effects or sampling bias. Closing lecture. Loen  |
1990. Barton and Bandis-Review of predictive capabilities of JRC-JCS |
1990. Addis, Barton, Bandis, Henry - Laboratory studies on the stability of vertical and deviated boreholes. SPE 20406. |
1990. Hakami, E. and N. Barton. Apertures, flow, in transparent replicas of joints. Rock Joints, ISRM, Loen |
1990. Makurat et al. Joint conductivity variation due to normal and shear deformation. ISRM, Rock Joints, Loen |
1990. Makurat et al. Jointed rock mass modelling. ISRM, Rock Joints, Loen |
1990. Makurat et al. Measurement of hydraulic and mechanical properties at Stripa. Rock Joints, Loen |
1990. Barton, N., A. Makurat, E. Grimstad, Tunnelling by numbers. Tunnels & Tunnelling, July, 90  |
1990. Makurat et al. Jointed rock mass modelling. Loen. 647-656  |
1991. Barton-Geotechnical design. WT Focus  |
1992. Barton et al Norwegian method of tunnelling. WT focus on Norway, Part 1 |
1992. Barton et al.-Norwegian method of tunnelling. Part 2  |
1992. Barton et al. Vik-Comparison of prediction and performance  |
1992. Barton et al.-Geotechnical predictions of the excavation disturbed zone at Stripa  |
1992. Barton et al.-Geotechnical core characterization for the UK radwaste  |
1992. Monsen et al. Numerical modelling of disturbed zone at Stripa. Eurock, Chester  |