1. Barton, N. 1970. A low strength material for simulation of the mechanical properties of intact rock in rock mechanics models. Proc. 2nd Cong. Int. Soc. Rock Mech., Belgrade, Theme 3, Paper 15, 12 p.


2. Barton, N. 1971. A model study of the behaviour of steep excavated rock slopes. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of London.
3. Barton, N. 1971. A relationship between joint roughness and joint shear strength. Proc. of Symp. of Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Rock Fracture, Nancy, paper I.8, 20 p.
4. Barton, N. 1971. Discussion A comparison between physical and numerical models of jointed rock. Nancy, Vol. II: 133 140.
5. Barton, N. 1971. Discussion A discussion of water pressure assumptions used in the back analysis of failed rock slopes. Nancy, Vol. II: 167 170.
6. Barton, N. 1971. Discussion - Normal and shear stiffness of joints in numerical FEM and FDM models. Nancy, Vol. II: 133-137.
7. Barton, N. 1971. Discussion - A Comparison between physical and numerical models of jointed rock. Nancy, Vol. II: 137-140.
8. Barton, N. 1971. Estimation of in situ shear strength from back analysis of failed rock slopes. Proc. of Symp. of Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Rock Fracture, Nancy, Paper II.27, 14 p.
9. Barton, N. 1971. Progressive failure of excavated rock slopes. 13th US Symp. of Rock Mech. Stability of rock slopes, Illinois, pp. 139-170.
10. Wickens, E.H. & Barton, N. 1971. The application of photogrammetry to the stability of excavated rock slopes. Photogrammetric Record, 7(37): 46-54.


11. Barton, N. 1972. A model study of air transport from underground openings situated below groundwater level. Proc. of Symp. of Int. Soc. Rock Mech., Percolation through fissured rock, Stuttgart, Theme 3A, 20 p.
12. Barton, N. 1972. A model study of air transport from underground openings situated below ground water level. Bergmekanikk, Oslo, pp. 107-135, Ingeniørforlaget, Oslo.
13. Barton, N. 1972. A model study of rock-joint deformation. Int. Jour. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 9, No. 5: 579-602.
14. Barton, N. 1972. Discussion The problem of joint shearing in coupled stress flow analyses. Stuttgart, Discussion, Theme 4, D4, 3 pp.
15. Barton, N. 1972. Modellforsøk for bestemmelse av vann- og luftgjennomgang i oppsprukket fjell. [Model test for estimating water and air flow in jointed rock], NGI Publ. 92: 37-46.


16. Barton, N. 1973. A review of the shear strength of filled discontinuities in rock. Fjellspregningsteknikk, Bergmekanikk, Oslo, Tapir Press, Trondheim, pp. 19.1 19.38, Also NGI Publ. 105, 1974.
17. Barton, N. 1973. Review of a new shear strength criterion for rock joints, Engineering Geology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 7, pp. 287-332. Also NGI Publ. 105, 1974.


18. Barton, N. 1974. Estimating the shear strength of rock joints. Proc. of 3rd Congr. Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Advances in rock mechanics, Denver, Vol. IIA: 219-220.
19. Barton, N. 1974. Rock slope performance as revealed by a physical joint model. Proc. of 3rd Congr. Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Advances in rock mechanics. Denver, Vol. IIB: 765-773.
20. Barton, N., Lien, R. & Lunde, J. 1974. Engineering classification of rock masses for the design of tunnel support. Rock Mechanics. 6: 4: 189-236.


21. Barton, N. 1975. Classification of rock masses to distinguish self supporting tunnels from those requiring support. Proc. of Soc. of Min. Engrs Meeting, Salt Lake City. Pre-print 75-AM-333.


22. Barton, N. 1976. Discussion of Ward et al. Performance of tunnel support systems in the Four Fathom Mudstone. Proc. of Int. Symp. Tunnelling '76, London, Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 358-360.
23. Barton, N. 1976. Panel Discussion Parameters of importance to rock mechanics engineers. Johannesburg, Vol. 2: 190-191.
24. Barton, N. 1976. Recent experiences with the Q-system of tunnel support design. Proc. of Symposium Exploration for Rock Engineering, Johannesburg, A.A. Balkema Publ., Vol. 1: 107-117. Discussion, Vol. 2: 167-172. Also NGI Publ. 119, 1978.
25. Barton, N. 1976. The shear strength of rock and rock joints. Int. Jour. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 13, No. 9: 255-279. Also NGI Publ. 119, 1978.
26. Barton, N. 1976. Skjærfasthet av sprekker for bestemmelse av fjellskråningsstabilitet. [Shear strength of joints for estimating the stability of rock slopes], NGI Publ. 112: 41-46.
27. Barton, N. 1976. Unsupported underground openings. Rock Mechanics Discussion Meeting, Befo, Swedish Rock Mechanics Research Foundation, Stockholm, pp. 61-94.


28. Barton, N. 1977. Artificial slopes in complex formations: Reduced stability with time. Panel contribution, Session 4, Vol. 2, 5 p. Proc. of Int. Symp. The Geotechnics of Structurally Complex Formations, Capri, 1977, Associazione Geotechnica Italiana.
29. Barton, N. 1977. Discussion Estimating the shear strength of complex discontinuities. Session 2, Discussion, Vol. 2, 5 p., Capri 1977.
30. Barton, N. & Choubey, V. 1977. The shear strength of rock joints in theory and practice. Rock Mechanics 1/2:1-54. Vienna: Springer. Also NGI Publ. 119, 1978.
31. Barton, N., Lien, R. & Lunde, J. 1977. Estimation of support requirements for underground excavations. Proc. of 16th Symp. on Design Methods in Rock Mechanics, Minnesota, 1975. pp. 163-177. ASCE, NY. Discussion pp. 234-241.


32. Barton, N. 1978. Discussion on Peterhead Power Station cooling water intake tunnel: An engineering case study. by J.M. Edmond and J.D. Graham, Q.J1. Engng. Geol., Vol. II: 263-265.
33. Barton, N. 1978. Physical model studies of large span underground openings. Rock Mechanics Meeting, Befo, Swedish Rock Mechanics Research Foundation, Stockholm, pp. 95-117.
34. Barton, N. & Hansteen, H. 1978. Large underground openings at shallow depth: Comparison of deformation magnitudes from jointed models and linear elastic F.E. analyses. Fjellsprengningsteknikk, Bergmekanikk, Oslo, pp. 20.1-20.30.Tapir Press, Trondheim, 1979.
35. ISRM, 1978. Suggested methods for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses. (Coordinator, Barton, N.) Int. J. Rock Mech. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 15: 319-368, Pergamon.


36. Barton, N. 1979. Discussion Effect of horizontal stress on pillar deformation. Proc. 4th Congr. Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Montreux .Vol. 3: 401-402.
37. Barton, N. 1979. Discussion Influence of block size on the shear strength of joints. Proc. 4th Congr. Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Montreux .Vol. 3: 219-220.
38. Barton, N. 1979. Model studies of very large underground openings at shallow depth. Proc. 4th Congr. Int. Soc. Rock Mech. Montreux, Vol. 1: 583-590.
39. Barton, N. & Hansteen, H. 1979. Very large span openings at shallow depth: Deformation magnitudes from jointed models and F.E. analysis," 4th Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conference, RETC; Atlanta Georgia, Vol. 2: 1131-1353. Eds A.C. Maevis and W.A. Hustrulid. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. New York, New York, 1979.
40. Galster, R.W. & Barton, N. 1979. Medals and Awards for 1978, Citation and Response. E.B. Burwell Jr. Award, Geol.Soc. of America, Bulletin, Part II: 629-632.


41. Barton, N. 1980. Discussion of paper by J. Krahn and N.R. Morgenstern The ultimate frictional resistance of rock discontinuities. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 17: 65-78. Pergamon.
42. Barton, N. 1980. Estimation of in situ joint properties, Nåsliden mine. Int. Conf. on Application of Rock Mechanics to Cut-and-Fill Mining, Luleå, Sweden, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London.
43. Barton, N. & Bandis, S. 1980. Some effects of scale on the shear strength of joints. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr., Vol. 17: 69-73. Pergamon.
44. Barton, N., Løset, F., Lien, R. & Lunde, J. 1980. Application of the Q system in design decisions concerning dimensions and appropriate support for underground installations. Int. Conf. on Sub surface Space, Rockstore, Stockholm, Sub surface Space, 2: 553-561.
45. Barton, N. 1980. Discussion - Shear Strength of Rock Joints, Quarried Rocks and Gravels - Point of Contact. Euromech. 133, Oxford 1980.


46. Bandis, S., Lumsden, A. & Barton, N. 1981. Experimental studies of scale effects on the shear behaviour of rock joints. Int. J. of Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. 18, 1 21.
47. Barton, N. 1981. Hydraulic fracturing to estimate minimum stress and rockmass stability at a pumped hydro project. Proc. of Workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements, Monterey, California.
48. Barton, N. 1981. Shear strength investigations for surface mining. 3rd Int. Conf. on Stability in Surface Mining, Vancouver, Ch. 7: 171-192, AIME.
49. Barton, N. 1981. Some scale dependent properties of joints and faults. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 8, No. 7: 667-670.
50. Barton, N. & Kjærnsli, B. 1981. Shear strength of rockfill. J. of the Geotech. Eng. Div., Proc. of ASCE, Vol. 107: GT7: 873-891. Proc. Paper 16374, July.
51. Hardin, E.L., Barton, N., Lingle, R., Board M.P. & Voegele, M.D. 1981. A heated flatjack test series to measure the thermomechanical and transport properties of in situ rock masses. Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation, Columbus, OH. ONWI-260, 193 p.
52. Voegele, M.D., Hardin, E.L., Lingle, R., Board M.P. & Barton, N. 1981. Site characterization of joint permeability using the heated block test. Proc., 22nd US Rock Mech. Symp., Boston.


53. Barton, N. 1982. Block tests for rock mass characterization. Proc. of Conf. on Updating Subsurface Sampling of Soils and Rocks and their In Situ Testing, Santa Barbara, California.
54. Barton, N. 1982. Characterizing rock masses to improve excavation design. Panel Report, Theme II Tunnelling and Excavation, 4th Congress IAEG, New Delhi.
55. Barton, N. 1982. Modelling rock joint behaviour from in situ block tests: Implications for nuclear waste repository design. Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation, Columbus, OH, 96 p., ONWI-308, September 1982.
56. Barton, N. & Bandis, S. 1982. Effects of block size on the shear behaviour of jointed rock. Keynote Lecture, 23rd US Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Berkeley, California.
57. Barton, N. & Lingle, R. 1982. Rock mass characterization methods for nuclear waste repositories in jointed rock. Proc. of ISRM Symposium, Rock Mechanics, Caverns and Pressure Shafts, Aachen, Germany.


58. Bandis, S., Lumsden, A.C. & Barton, N. 1983. Fundamentals of rock joint deformation. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 20: 6: 249-268.
59. Barton, N. 1983. Application of Q system and index tests to estimate shear strength and deformability of rock masses. Panel Report, Int. Symp. on Engineering Geology and Underground Construction, Lisbon, Portugal.
60. Barton, N. 1983. Chapter 1.5: Discontinuities. Ground Engineers Reference Book, Editor: F. Bell, Butterworth Scientific, Ltd.
61. Barton, N. & Bakhtar, K. 1983. Instrumentation and analysis of a deep shaft in quartzite. Proc. of 24th US Symp. on Rock Mechanics, Texas A&M University.
62. Barton, N. & Bandis, S. 1983. Rock joint deformation and permeability coupling. Proc. 5th Int. Congr. Rock Mech. Melbourne.
63. Lingle, R., Bakhtar, K. & Barton, N. 1983. Extraordinary instrumentation applications. Int. Symp. on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Zurich.


64. Bakhtar, K. & Barton, N. 1984. Large scale static and dynamic friction experiments. Proc. 25th US Rock Mechanics Symp. Northwestern Univ., Illinois.
65. Barton, N. 1984. Effects of rock mass deformation on tunnel performance in seismic regions. Proc. Caracas Symp., Adv. Tunnel. Technol. and Subsurf. Use. Vol. 4: 3: 89-99.
66. Barton, N. & Bakhtar, K. 1984. Bolt design based on shear strength. Proc. of Int. Symp. on Rock Bolting, Theory and Application in Mining and Underground Construction. Abisko, Sweden.
67. Barton, N., Bakhtar, K. & Bandis, S. 1984. Rock joint description and modelling for prediction of near field repository performance. Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston. Symp. D: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management.
68. Hardin, E., Barton, N., Voegele, M., Board, M., Lingle, R., Pratt, H. & Ubbes, W. 1984. Measuring the thermomechanical and transport properties of a rock mass using the heated block test. MRS Annual Meeting, Boston.


69. Bakhtar, K., Barton, N., Rakop, R. & Jones, A.H. 1985. Modelling fracture permeability around a well during depletion. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Bakersfield. SPE 13671.
70. Bandis, S., Barton, N. & Christianson, M. 1985. Application of a new numerical model of joint behaviour to rock mechanics problems. Proc. Int. Symp. on Fundamentals of Rock Joints, Björkliden, Sweden, pp. 345 355. Centek Publishers.
71. Barton, N. 1985. Deformasjonsfenomener i bergmasser [Rock mass deformation phenomena), Fjellsprengningsteknikk/Bergmekanikk/Geoteknikk, Oslo. 32.1-32.24.
72. Barton, N. 1985. Rock joint modelling applied to jointed reservoirs. Proc. Chalk Symposium, Stavanger, Norway.
73. Barton, N., Bandis, S. & Bakhtar, K. 1985. Strength, deformation and conductivity coupling of rock joints. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 22: 3: 121-140.
74. Barton, N., Hårvik, L., Christianson, M., Bandis, S., Makurat, A., Chryssanthakis, P. & Vik, G. 1985. Numerical analyses and laboratory tests to investigate the Ekofisk subsidence. Fjellsprengningsteknikk/Bergmekanikk/Geoteknikk, Oslo. 21.1-21.23.
75. Barton, N., Makurat, A., Vik G. & Løset, F. 1985. The modelling and measurement of super conducting rock joints. 26th US Symp. on Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, S. Dakota, pp. 487-495.
76. Bush, D.D. & Barton, N. 1985. Pore pressure effects on the minimum principal stress magnitude and direction in shallow tar sands. 26th US Symp. on Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, S. Dakota, pp. 1087-1094.
77. Barton, N. & Hårvik, L. 1985. Beregning av Sprekker i Berg med EDB. [Calculation of joints in rock with a computer] Bygg. Bd. 33: 4: 31.
78. Barton, N. 1985. Book Review - Design and performance of underground excavations. Cambridge ISRM Symp., Rock Mechanics, Springer Vol. 18. No. 2.


79. Bakhtar, K. & Barton, N. 1986. In situ rock deformability tests at the Rocky Mountain Pumped Hydro Project. Proc. 27th US Rock Mech. Symp., Univ. of Alabama.
80. Bandis, S. and N. Barton, 1986. Failure Modes of Deep Boreholes. Proc. 27th US Rock Mech. Symp., Univ. of Alabama.
81. Bandis, S.C., Nadim, F., Lindman, J. & Barton, N. 1986. Stability investigations of modelled rock caverns at great depth. Proc., International Symposium on Large Rock Caverns, Helsinki, Finland, 25-28 Aug.
82. Barton, N. 1986. Deformation phenomena in jointed rock. 8th Laurits Bjerrum Memorial Lecture, Oslo. Publ. in Geotechnique, Vol. 36: 2: 147-167.
83. Barton, N., Hårvik, L., Christiansson, M., Bandis, S., Makurat, A., Chryssanthakis, P. & Vik, G. 1986. Rock mechanics modelling of the Ekofisk reservoir subsidence. Proc. 27th US Rock Mech. Symp., Univ. of Alabama.
84. Barton, N., Hårvik, L., Christiansson, M. &Vik, V. 1986. Estimation of joint deformation, leakage potential and lining stresses for a planned urban road tunnel. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Large Rock Caverns, Helsinki.
85. Barton, N., Lien, R., Løset, F., Løken, T., Grimstad, E., Hansteen, H., Hårvik, L. & Christiansson, M. 1986. Methods for selecting support in sub sea rock tunnels. Proc. of Int. Symp. Strait Crossings. Stavanger, Norway.
86. Grimstad, E., Barton, N., Lien, R., Lunde, J. & Løset, F. 1986. Classification of rock masses with respect to tunnel stability - New experiences with the Q-system. (In Norwegian) in Fjellsprengningsteknikk, Bergmekanikk, Geoteknikk, pp. 30.1-3.18, Tapir Press, 1986.


87. Bandis, S., Lindman, J. & Barton, N. 1987. Three dimensional stress state and fracturing around cavities in overstressed weak rock. Proc. of 6th ISRM Congress, Montreal, Canada. Vol. 2: 769-775.
88. Barton, N. 1987. Ekofisk subsidence and compaction The discontinuum approach. Rock Mechanics Discussion Meeting, BeFo, Stockholm, Sweden.
89. Barton, N. 1987. Influence of deformation on the behaviour of structures in jointed rocks. Proc. 1st Sino British Geological Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
90. Barton, N. 1987. Rock mass classification and tunnel reinforcement selection using the Q system. Proc. ASTM Symp. on Rock Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes, Cincinnati, Ohio.
91. Barton, N. Fluid flow and waste isolation. Theme 1, Moderator Report, ISRM Congress, Montreal, Vol. 3, 1406-1410.
92. Barton, N. 1987. Predicting the behaviour of underground openings in rock. Manuel Rocha Memorial Lecture, Lisbon. NGI Publication 172, 1988. Also Geotecnia 53, July 1988 (in Portugese).
93. Barton, N. & Bakhtar, K. 1987. Description and modelling of rock joints for the hydrothermalmechanical design of nuclear waste vaults. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. TR-418. Volumes I and II.
94. Barton. N. & Bandis, S. 1987. Rock joint model for analyses of geological discontinua. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials. Univ. of Arizona.
95. Barton, N., Makurat, A., Christianson, M. & Bandis, S. 1987. Modelling rock mass conductivity changes in disturbed zones. Proc. 28th US Rock Mech. Symp. Tucson, Arizona, pp. 563-574.
96. Barton, N., Vik, G., Johansen, P.M. & Makurat, A. 1987. Rock mechanics investigations for unlined pressure tunnels and air cushion surge chambers. Proc. of Int. Conf. Hydropower '87. Oslo, Norway.
97. Barton, N. 1988. Some aspects of rock joint behaviour under dynamic conditions. Seminar on Mechanics and Engineering of Rocks, Torino, Italy, 17.1-17.14, Torino Politecnica.
98. Barton, N. & Makurat, A. 1988. Modelling excavation responses in jointed rock. OECD/AECL Workshop: Excavation Response in Deep Radioactive Waste Repositories, Winnipeg, Canada.
99. Barton, N., Chryssanthakis, P. & Monsen, K. 1988. Validation of MUDEC against Colorado School of Mines block test data. SKB Tech. Rept. 88-14, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm.


100. Barton, N., Makurat, A., Hårvik, L., Vik, G., Bandis, S., Christianson, M. & Addis, A. 1988. The discontinuum approach to compaction and subsidence modelling as applied to Ekofisk. BOSS '88. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Trondheim. Vol. 1: 129-141.
101. Barton, N., Chryssanthakis, P. & K. Monsen, 1988. Validation of the computer code MUDEC against the Colorado School of Mines block test data. Paper presented in the Geoval-88 International Conference, May 1988, Stockholm, Sweden.
102. Makurat, A. & Barton, N. 1988. Rock mechanical computation of deformations and joint apertures during excavation of the Fjellinjen tunnels. Paper 27.1-27.27, Bergmekanikkdag, Tapir Press, Oslo 1988.
103. Grimstad, E. & Barton, N. 1988. Design and methods of rock support. Norwegian Tunnelling Today, Publ. 5: 59-64.
104. Bandis, S.C., Barton, N., Vardakis, G. & Addis, M.A. 1988. Instability and stress transformations around underground excavations in highly stressed anisotropic media.


105. Barton, N. 1989. Cavern design for Hong Kong rocks. Proc. of I.M.M. Hong Kong Seminar Rock Cavern Hong Kong. Ed. Malone and Whiteside, pp. 179-202.
106. Barton, N., Monsen, K., Chryssanthakis, P. & Norheim, Ø. 1989. Rock mechanics design for high pressure gas storage in shallow lined caverns. Proc. of Int. Conf. Storage of Gases in Rock Caverns, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 159 176. Balkema.
107. Makurat, A., Barton, N., Tunbridge, L. & Vik, G. 1989. Mechanical and hydraulic properties of joints at different scales. Proc. of NEA/SKB Int. Symp. on The Stripa Project, Stockholm.
108. Makurat, A., Barton, N., Vik, G. & Bandis, S. 1989. Investigation of disturbed zone effects and support strategies for the Fjellinjen road tunnels under Oslo. Proc. of International Tunnelling Association Conf., Toronto.


109. Addis, M.A., Barton, N., Bandis, S.C. & Henry, J.P. 1990. Laboratory studies on the stability of vertical and deviated boreholes. 65th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, New Orleans, September 23-26, 1990.
110. Bandis, S.C. and N. Barton, 1990, Underground engineering geology. Panel report on sub-theme: tunnels and shafts. Sixth International Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1990.
111. Bandis, S.C., C.A. Demiris, N. Barton and A. Makurat, 1990. Discrete modelling of jointed rock structures. 2nd European Specialty Conference on Numerical Methods for Geotechnical Engineering, Santander, September 1990.
112. Barton, N. 1990. Scale effects or sampling bias? Closing lecture. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Scale Effects in Rock Masses, Loen, Norway 7-8 June 1990.
113. Barton, N. & Bandis, S.C. 1990. Review of predictive capabilities of JRC-JCS model in engineering practice. International Symposium on Rock Joints. Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 603-610, 1990.
114. Barton, N., Makurat, A. & Grimstad, E. 1990. Tunnelling by numbers. Tunnels & Tunnelling, July 1990, pp. 58-59.
115. Barton, N., Tunbridge, L., Løset, F., Kristiansen, J. & Vik, G. 1990. Olympic ice hockey cavern of 60m span - rock mechanics investigations. Proceedings, Fjellsprengningsteknikk/Bergmekanikk/Geoteknikk November 1990, 36.1-36.21.
116. Chryssanthakis, P. & Barton, N. 1990. Joint roughness (JRCn, characterization of a rock joint and joint replica at 1m scale. International Symposium on Rock Joints. Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 27-33, 1990.
117. Chryssanthakis P. & Barton, N. 1990. Modelling the effect of glaciation, ice flow and deglaciation on the Lansjärv region in N. Sweden. 7th Geology Conference, Structural and Tectonic Modelling and its Application to Petroleum Geology. Stavanger, October 1990.
118. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N., Lanru, J. & Stephansson, O. 1990. Modelling the effect of glaciation, ice flow and deglaciation on large faulted rock masses. paper presented in the Geoval-90 International Conference, May 1990, Stockholm, Sweden.
119. Koestler, A.G., Makurat, A., Barton, N. & Monsen, K. 1990. Numerical simulation of jointed and faulted rock behaviour for petroleum reservoirs. 7th Geology Conference, Structural and Tectonic Modelling and Its Application to Petroleum Geology. Stavanger, October 1990.
120. Makurat, A., Barton, N., Vik, G., Chryssanthakis P. & Monsen, K. 1990. Jointed rock mass modelling. International Symposium on Rock Joints. Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 647-656, 1990.
121. Makurat, A., Barton, N., Rad, N.S. & Bandis, S. 1990. Joint conductivity variation due to normal and shear deformation. Int. Symp. on Rock Joints. Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 535-540.
122. Hakami, E. & Barton, N. 1990. Aperture measurements and flow experiments using transparent replicas. Int. Symp. on Rock Joints, Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 383-390.
123. Makurat, A., Barton, N., Tunbridge L. & Vik, G. 1990. The measurement of the mechanical and hydraulic properties of rock joints at different scales in the Stripa Project. International Symposium on Rock Joints. Loen 1990. Proceedings, pp. 541-548, 1990.
124. Stephansson, O., Savilahti, T., Barton, N. & Chryssanthakis, P. 1990. Validation of two rock mechanics codes against Colorado School of Mines block test data. paper presented in Geoval-90 International Conference, May 1990, Stockholm, Sweden.


125. Barton, N. 1991. Geotechnical Design. World Tunnelling, November 1991, pp. 410-416.
126. Barton, N., Tunbridge, L., Løset, L., Westerdahl, H., Kristiansen, L., Vik, G. & Chryssanthakis, P. 1991. Design studies for Norway's Olympic cavern. Tunnels and Tunnelling, October, 1991.
127. Barton, N., Tunbridge, L., Løset, L., Westerdahl, H., Kristiansen, L., Vik, G. & Chryssanthakis, P. 1991. Norwegian Olympic ice hockey cavern of 60m span. Proc. of 7th ISRM Congress, Aachen, Germany.
128. Chryssanthakis, P., Monsen, K. & Barton, N. 1991. Tunnelling in jointed rock simulated in a computer. (In Norwegian). Tunneller og Undergrunnslanlegg, 1989-1991, NTNF, Oslo, pp. 23-28.
129. Chryssanthakis, P., Monsen, K. & Barton, N. 1991. Validation of UDEC-BB against the CSM block test and large scale application to glacier loading of jointed rock masses. Proc. 7th. ISRM Cong. Aachen, Ed. W. Wittke, A.A.Balkema, 693-698.


130. Barton, N., By, T.L., Chryssanthakis, P., Tunbridge, L., Kristiansen, J., Løset, F., Bhasin, R.K., Westerdahl, H. & Vik, G. 1992. Comparison of prediction and performance for a 62m span sports hall in jointed gneiss. 4th Int. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Conf., Torino, Italy, Ed. G. Barla, pp. 17.1-17.15.
131. Barton, N., Grimstad, E., Aas, G., Opsahl, O.A., Bakken, A., Pedersen, L. & Johansen, E.D. 1992. Norwegian Method of Tunnelling. WT Focus on Norway, World Tunnelling, June/August 1992.
132. Barton, N., Løset, F., Smallwood, A., Vik, G., Rawlings, C., Chryssanthakis, P., Hansteen, H. & Ireland, T. 1992. Geotechnical core characterisation for the UK radioactive waste repository design. 1992 Proc. of ISRM Symp. EUROCK, Chester, UK.
133. Barton, N., Løset, F., Smallwood, A., Vik, G., Rawlings, C., Chryssanthakis, P., Hansteen, H. & Ireland, T. 1992. Radioactive waste repository design using Q and UDEC-BB. Proc. of ISRM Symposium. Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses. Lake Tahoe, USA.
134. Barton, N., Makurat, A. Monsen, K., Vik, G. & Tunbridge, L. 1992. Geotechnical predictions of the excavation disturbed zone at Stripa. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on the OECD/NEA Stripa Project, 14-16 October 1992, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 77-96.
135. Barton, N., Myrvang, A., Bollingmo, P., Morseth B. & Huth, H. 1992. 60m span Olympic cavern in Norway. Proceedings of ITA Congress, Acapulco, Mexico, 1992.
136. Chryssanthakis, P. & Barton, N. 1992. Predicting performance of the 62m span ice hockey cavern in Gjøvik, Norway. Proc. of Int. Conf. "Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses, Lake Tahoe, CA, Pre-prints, LBL, 32379, Vol. 3.
137. Gutierrez, M., Tunbridge, L., Hansteen, H., Makurat, A. Barton, N. & Landa, G.H. 1992. Discontinuum simulation of fractured chalk reservoir behaviour - Ekofisk. Fourth North Sea Chalk Symposium, Deauville, France.
138. Monsen, K., Makurat, A. & Barton, N. 1992. Numerical modelling of disturbed zone phenomena at Stripa. 1992 Proc. of ISRM Symp. EUROCK, Chester, UK.
139. Barton, N. 1993. Physical and discrete element models of excavation and failure in jointed rock. Keynote lecture presented at ISRM Int. Symp. on Assessment and Prevention of Failure Phenomena in Rock Engineering, 5-7 April, Istanbul, Turkey.
140. Barton, N. 1993. Tunnel sikring ved NMT basert på borekjernelogging. (In Norwegian) [Tunnel support based on drillcore logging] Fjellsprengningsteknikk, Bergmekanikk, Geoteknikk 1993.


141. Bhasin, R., Barton, N. & Løset, F. 1993. Engineering geological investigations and the application of rock mass classification approach in the construction of Norway's underground Olympic stadium. Engineering Geology 35: 93-101. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
142. Grimstad, E., Barton, N. & Løset, F. 1993. Rock mass classification and NMT support design using a new Q-system chart. World Tunnelling, September 1993.
143. Grimstad, E. & Barton, N. 1993. Updating of the Q-System for NMT. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete - Modern Use of Wet Mix Sprayed Concrete for Underground Support, Fagernes, 1993, (Eds Kompen, Opsahl and Berg. Norwegian Concrete Association, Oslo.
144. Makurat, A., Barton, N. & Monsen, K. 1993. The Stripa Project, Rock mechanical characterisation and disturbed zone modelling. Salzburger Colloquium Felsbau 11 (1993) No. 1.
145. Rawlings, C.G., Barton, N., Bandis, S.C., Addis, M.A. & Gutierrez, M. 1993. Laboratory numerical and discontinuum modelling of wellbore stability during drilling in low permeability reservoirs. J. of Petroleum Technology, Nov. 1993, pp. 1086-1092.


146. Barton, N. 1994. NMT or NATM, Horses for Courses. Int. Min. Equip. Review, Autumn, 1994, pp. 210-212.
147. Barton, N. Updating the NATM. Letter to the Editor Tunnels and Tunnelling Dec. '94
148. Barton, N. 1994. A Q-system case record of cavern design in faulted rock. 5th Int. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Conf., Tunnelling in difficult conditions, Torino, Italy, pp. 16.1-16.14.
149. Barton, N. & Grimstad, E. 1994. The Q-system following twenty years of application in NMT support selection. 43rd Geomechanic Colloquy, Salzburg. Felsbau, 6/94. pp. 428-436.
150. Gutierrez, M., Tunbridge, L., Hansteen, H., Makurat, A., Barton, N. & Landa, G.H. 1994. Modelling of the compaction behaviour of fractured chalk. Proceedings of Eurock '94.
151. Barton, N. & Grimstad, E. 1994. Rock mass conditions dictate choice between NMT and NATM. Tunnels & Tunnelling, October 1994, pp. 39-42.
152. Barton, N. & Hansen, S.E. 1994. Rock engineering investigations for the prediction of performance of the Gjøvik Olympic Mountain Hall. Paper for the Vision EUREKA Conference: Underground Openings for Public Use. Gjøvik, 14-17 June 1994.
153. Barton, N., By, T.L., Chryssanthakis, P., Tunbridge, L., Kristiansen, J., Løset, F., Bhasin, R.K., Westerdahl, H. & Vik, G. 1994. Predicted and measured performance of the 62m span Norwegian Olympic Ice Hockey Cavern at Gjøvik. Int. J. Rock Mech, Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 31:6: 617-641. Pergamon.
154. Barton, N., Yufin, S.A. & Swoboda, G. 1994. Engineering Decisions in Rock Mechanics Based on Numerical Modelling. Eighth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Morgantown, WV, 22-28 May 1994.
155. Barton, N., Yufin, S.A., Chryssanthakis, P., By, T.L. & Kagan, M.L. 1994. Direct and back analysis numerical techniques in rock engineering. Paper presented at Symposium on New Directions in Rock Mechanics, Shenyang, China.
156. Gutierrez, M. & Barton, N. 1994. Numerical modelling of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of single fractures. In Nelson and Laubach (eds.) Rock Mechanics: Models and Measurements, Challenges from Industry, pp. 165-172.
157. Løset, F., Barton, N., Bhasin, R.K.. Rawlings, C.G. & Vik, G. 1994. A system for presentation of engineering geological data for tunnel design. Proc., ITA Congress on Tunnelling and Ground Conditions, Cairo, 1994.


158. Barton, N. 1995. Design of tunnels using NMT and verification with UDEC-BB. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Development and Transfer of New Technologies in Rock Engineering for Vietnam, Hanoi, 28-29 March 1995.
159. Barton, N. 1995. Rock mechanics investigations for radioactive waste repository design. Paper presented at Seoul Symposium on Rock Cavern Stadium Project, 30th March 1995 in Seoul.
160. Barton, N. 1995. Permanent support for tunnels using NMT. Paper presented at the Korean Rock Mechanics Society Spring '95 Conference, Seoul, 31 March 1995.
161. Barton, N. 1995. The influence of joint properties in modelling jointed rock masses. Keynote Lecture, 8th ISRM Congress, Tokyo, 3: 1023-1032, Balkema, Rotterdam.
162. Barton, N. & Itoh, J. 1995. An introduction to NMT: The Norwegian Method of Tunnelling. Tunnel and Underground, Japan Tunnelling Association Publ. Oct '95. (In Japanese).
163. Barton, N. & Itoh, J. 1995. The Q-system and NMT support techniques. Tunnel and Underground, Japan Tunnelling Association Publ. Nov '95. (In Japanese).
164. Barton, N. & Itoh, J. 1995. Numerical modelling for NMT design verification using UDEC-BB and 3DEC." Tunnel and Underground, Japan Tunnelling Association Publ. Dec '95. (In Japanese).
165. Bhasin, R., Barton, N., Grimstad, E. & Chryssanthakis, P. 1995. Engineering geological characterization of low strength anisotropic rocks in the Himalayan region for assessment of tunnel support. In Engineering Geology, 40 (1995) pp. 169-193.
166. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N. & Monsen, K. 1995. Dynamic loading of physical and numerical models of very large underground openings. Paper presented in the 8th International Congress in Rock Mechanics Tokyo, Japan 25-30 Sept '95, Vol. 3.
167. Gutierrez, M., Barton, N. & Makurat, A. 1995. Compaction and subsidence in North Sea hydrocarbon fields. Paper presented at the 8th ISRM Congress, Workshop on Rock Foundation of Large-Scale Structures.


168. Quadros, E.F. de & Barton, N. 1996. Influência des Propriedades des Fraturas na Modelacão dos Macicos Rochoosos. CBMR, Brasil.
169. Barton, N. 1996. Estimating rock mass deformation modulus for excavation disturbed zone studies. International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Winnepeg, 1996, EDZ workshop, pp. 133-144, Canadian Nuclear Society.
170. Barton, N. & Chryssanthakis, P. 1996. Design of tunnels for NMT using fibre-reinforced shotcrete and bolting as permanent support. Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete, Gol, 1996
171. Barton, N. 1996. Investigation, design and support of major road tunnels in jointed rock using NMT principles. Keynote Lecture, IX Australian Tunnelling Conf. Sydney, 145-159.
172. Fong, C. & Barton, N. 1996. Investigation, design and support of major road tunnels in jointed rock using NMT principles. Keynote Lecture for IX Australian Tunnelling Conference. Breaking New Ground. August 1996. Chinese translation by Dr. Chris Fong, Sinotech, Taiwan
173. Barton, N. & Warren, C. 1996. Rock mass classification of chalk marl in the UK Channel Tunnels. Channel Tunnel Engineering Geology Symposium, Brighton, September 1995.
174. Bhasin, R., Barton, N., Grimstad, E., Chryssanthakis, P. & Shende, E.P. 1996. Comparison of predicted and measured performance of a large cavern in the Himalayas. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., No. 6, pp. 607-626, 1996.
175. Løset, F., Barton, N., Grimstad, E. & Kveldsvik, V. 1996. The Q-method used in TBM tunnels, field mapping and core logging. Rock Mechanics Conference, Stockholm.Nat. Rock Mech. Symp.
176. Sharp, J.C., Warren, C.D., Barton, N.R. & Mairwood, R. 1996. Fundamental evaluations of the chalk marl for the prediction of UK marine tunnel stability and water inflows. Ch. 32 in Engineering Geology of the Channel Tunnel. Eds. Harris, Hart, Varley, Warren, pp. 472-507.
177. Barton, N. 1996. Rock mass characterization and seismic measurements to assist in the design and execution of TBM projects. Proc. of 1996 Taiwan Rock Engineering Symposium, Keynote Lecture, pp. 1-16.
178. Chryssanthakis, P., Bhasin, R.K. & Barton, N. 1996. Using NMT principles in predicting performance of a powerhouse in the Himalayas, India. Conf. on Recent Advances in Tunnelling Technology. 143-155. New Dehli.


179. Shen, B. & Barton, N. 1997. The disturbed zone around tunnels in jointed rock masses. Technical Note, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci, Vol. 34: 1: 117-125.
180. Barton, N. & Quadros, E.F. 1997. Joint aperture and roughness in the prediction of flow and groutability of rock masses. Proc. of NY Rocks '97. Linking Science to Rock Engineering. Ed. K. Kim, pp. 907-916. Int. J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci. Vol. 34: No. 3-4.
181. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N., Lorig, L., Christianson, M. 1997. Numerical simulation of fibre-reinforced shotcrete in a tunnel using the discrete element method. Proc. of NY Rocks '97: Linking Science to Engineering. Ed. K. Kim, pp. 845-854. Also: Int. J. Rock Mech and Min Sci. Vol. 34, No. 3-4, 1997.
182. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N., Lorig, L., Christianson, M., Suh, Y.H. 1997. Fibre-reinforced shotcrete simulation using the discrete element method. Proceedings of the First Asian Rock Mechanics Sumposium, 13-15 October 1997, Seoul, Korea.
183. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N., Løset, F., Lorig, L. & Christianson, M. 1997. Numerical modelling of fibre-reinforced shotcrete. (In Norwegian). Paper presented in the Rock Mechanics day in Oslo, Nov. 1997, pp. 26.1-26.12 Proceedings of Fjellsprengningsteknikk Bergmekanikk, Geoteknikk, 1997.
184. Bhasin, R.K. & Barton, N. 1997. A comparison of Barton-Bandis joint constitutive model with the Mohr-Coulomb model using UDEC. Proc. of 1st Asian Rock Mech. Symp. ARMS '97, Seoul, Korea, pp. 413-420.


185. Barton, N. 1998. Quantitative description of rock masses for the design of NMT reinforcement. Keynote Lecture, Int. Conf. on Hydro Power Development in Himalayas, Shimla, India, Balkema, Rotterdam.
186. Barton, N. 1998. NMT support concepts for tunnels in weak rocks. Proc. of ITA World Congress, São Paulo, Brazil.
187. Chryssanthakis, P., Barton, N., Løset, F., Dallas, A. & Mitsotakis, K. 1998. Application of Norwegian Method of Tunnelling (NMT) in weak rocks in Western Greece. Proc. 3rd North American Rock Mech. Symposium, NARMS '98 Cancun, Mexico.
188. Barton, N. 1998. General report on underground excavation. Tunnelling and Foundations. Proc. 3rd. North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, NARMS '98, Cancun, Mexico.
189. Barton, N. 1998. Rockmass characterization from seismic measurements. Keynote lecture, Proc SAROCKS'98, 2nd Brazilian Symposium, 5th South American Rock Mechanics Congress, Santos, Brazil. Eds. L. da Silva et al. Vol. 2.


190. Barton, N. 1999. TBM performance estimation in rock using Qtbm. Tunnels and Tunnelling International, Sept. 1999, pp. 30-34.
191. Bhasin, R.K., Barton, N., Makurat, A., Davies, N. & Cooper, A. 1999. Rock joint and rock mass characterization at Sellafield. Proc. of ITA Congress, Oslo. Challenges for the 21st Century. Eds. Alten et al. NFF, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 35-41.
192. Barton, N. 1999. General report concerning some 20th Century lessons and 21st Century challenges in applied rock mechanics, safety and control of the environment. Proc. of 9th ISRM Congress, Paris, 3: 1659-1679, Balkema, Netherlands.


193. Barton, N. 2000. TBM Tunnelling in Jointed and Faulted Rock. 173p. Balkema, Rotterdam.
194. Barton, N. 2000. Rock mass classification for choosing between TBM and drill-and-blast or a hybrid solution. Keynote lecture, Proc. Int. Conf. on Tunnels and Underground Structures, ICTUS 2000, Singapore. Balkema, Rotterdam.


195. Barton, N. 2001. Are long tunnels faster by TBM? Proc. Rapid Excavation and Tunnelling Conf. RETC, San Diego, USA. Soc. Min. Eng., 819-828.
196. Barton, N. 2001. To blast or not to blast - The choice of tunnelling method in the Korean Peninsula. Proc. Int. Symp. Civil Engineering for the Unification Era of the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century. Korean Society of Civil Engineers, Ed. Chun-Su Chon. 249-259.
197. Olsson, R. & Barton, N. 2001. An improved model for hydro-mechanical coupling during shearing of rock joints. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstracts, 38: 317-329. Pergamon.
198. Roald, S., Barton, N & T. Nomeland, 2001. Grouting the third leg of underground construction. Norwegian Tunnelling Society, Publ. Nr. 12, 2001.
199. Barton, N., Buen, B. & Roald, S. 2001. Strengthening the case for grouting. Tunnels & Tunnelling International, Dec. 2001: 34-36, and Jan. 2002: 37-39.
200. Monsen, K. & Barton, N. 2001. A numerical study of cryogenic storage in underground excavations, with emphasis on the rock joint response. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. Vol. 38:1035-1045.
201. Barton, N. 2001. Letter to the Editor: Rock mass characterization and classification. Felsbau - Rock and Soil Engineering, 6/2001, December, p.61.
202. Barton, N. 2001. Letter to the Editor: Water and stress are fundamental to rock mass characterization and classification. ISRM News Journal, Vol. 7: 1: 4-5.


203. Barton, N. 2002. Some new Q-value correlations to assist in site characterization and tunnel design. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. Vol. 39/2:185-216.
204. Barton, N. 2002. Guest Editorial . Destructive criticism - constructive thoughts. J. of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology. Vol. 8, No.1, Indian Society for Rock Mech. & Tunnelling Tech.
205. Bhasin, R., Johansen, P.M., Barton, N. & Makurat, A. 2002. Rock joint sealing experiments using an ultra fine cement grout. Proc. N. American Tunnelling Conf., Seattle.
206. Barton, N. 2002. Theoretical and empirical understanding of pre-injection, and the possibility of reduced support quantities in selected lengths of tunnel. (in Norwegian). Miljø- og Samfunnstjenelige Tunneler, Research Report, Oslo Road Authority, Report 29.
207. Barton, N. 2002. New applications of Q and the Q-parameters in engineering geology and rock mechanics. Fjellsprengningsteknikk/Bermekanikk/Geoteknikk 2002, 40.1-40.15. (in Norwegian).
208. Barton, N. 2002. Different scales of discontinuous behaviour in petroleum engineering. Keynote lecture, Proc. 3rd Brazilian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Sao Paulo, ABMS.


209. Barton, N. & de Quadros, E. 2003. Improved understanding of high pressure pre-grouting effects for tunnels in jointed rock. Proc. of 10th ISRM Congress, South Africa, Vol.1, 85-91.
210. Barton, N. 2003. TBM or drill and blast. Tunnels and Tunnelling International, 20-23, June.
211. Barton, N. and Abrahao, R. 2003. Employing the QTBM prognosis model. Tunnels and Tunnelling International, 20-23, December.
212. Klüver, B.H. and Kveen, A. (and Barton, N.) 2003. Berginjeksjon i praksis. (Rock injection in practice), Miljø- og Samfunnstjenelige Tunneler, Publikasjon nr. 104, Teknologiavdelingen, Statens vegvesen, 63s. (Appendix A, pp.42-58, N.Barton).


213. Barton, N. 2004. Failure around tunnels and boreholes and other problems in rock mechanics. Letter to ISRM News Journal, Vol.8, No. 2, May 2004, 12-18.
214. Barton, N. and Quadros, E. 2004. Underground pressures. International Water Power & Dam Construction, January 2004, 28-32.
215. Barton, N. 2004. The theory behind high pressure grouting. Tunnels & Tunnelling International, Sept. pp.28-30, Oct. pp. 33-35.
216. Barton, N. 2004. Points of contact between rockfill, interfaces and rock joints. Keynote lecture, Sinergia 2004, Argentina Rock Mechanics Symposium, Cordoba.
217. Barton, N, & Grimstad, E. 2004. The Q-system following thirty years of development and application in tunnelling projects. EUROCK04, Salzburg.
218. Baillot, R.T., R.Colas, N. Barton, R. Abrahão, A. Ribeiro Júnior, 2004. Comparing 360o televising of drill hole walls with core logging. Proc. International Site Investigation Conf. Portugal.
219. Barton, N. & Infanti, N. 2004. Unexpected stress problems in shallow basalts at the Ita hydroelectric power project in S.E. Brazil. Proc. ARMS 2004 : 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kyoto.
220. Barton, N. 2004. Risk and risk reduction in TBM rock tunnelling. Keynote lecture, ARMS 2004 : 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kyoto.
221. Barton, N. 2004. Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment. Q-logging of the APSE tunnel at Äspö, for rock quality assessment and for development of preliminary model parameters. SKB IPR-04-15. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.


222. Barton, N. 2005. Comments on 'A critique of QTBM'. Tunnels & Tunnelling International, July, pp. 16-19.
223. Barton, N. 2005. Seismic Q, rock quality, rock joint compliance and anisotropy.
Seismic Q: Observations, Mechanisms and Interpretation, Workshop 2, 67th EAGE Conference, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Madrid.


224. Barton, N. & A. Makurat, 2006. Hydro-thermo-mechanical over-closure of joints and rock masses and potential effects on the long term performance of nuclear waste repositories. Proc. EUROCK 06, Liege, Belgium.
225. Barton, N. 2006. Integrating Q-logging with seismic refraction, permeability, pre-grouting, tunnel and cavern support needs, and numerical modelling performance. Keynote lecture, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, Geotechnical Division Annual Meeting, May 2006.
226. Barton, N. 2006. Fault zones and TBM. Geotechnical Risks in Rock Tunnels, Campos e Matos, Ribeiro e Sousa, Kleberger & Lopes Pinto (eds), Taylor & Francis, 75-117.
227. Barton, N. 2006. Rock Quality, Seismic Velocity, Attenuation and Anisotropy. Taylor & Francis, UK & Netherlands, 729 p.
228. Barton, N. 2006. Rock mass characterization and modelling aspects of mining and civil engineering. VIth South American Rock Mech. Cong., Cartegena, Colombia, 45-75, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, eds. J. Montero & J.E. Colmenares.
229. Barton, N. 2006. TBM tunnelling in sheared and fractured rock and the application of Q TBM model concepts. VIth South American Rock Mech. Cong., Cartegena, Colombia, 77-112, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, eds. J. Montero & J.E. Colmenares.
230. Barton, N. & Skjeggedal, T. 2006. Drill-and-blast or TBM for long, difficult tunnels? Letter to the Editor, Tunnels & Tunneling International, Sept. 2006, p. 31.
231. Barton, N. 2006. Fracture-induced seismic anisotropy when shearing is involved during production from fractured reservoirs. Proc. of 12th IWSA workshop on seismic anisotropy, Beijing. Extended Abstract, pp.1-3.


232. Barton, N. 2007. Some fundamental aspects of reservoir and crustal permeability and strength. Proc. of 1st US-Canada Rock Mech. Symp., Vancouver.
233. Barton, N. 2007. Future directions for rock mass classification and characterization - Towards a cross-disciplinary approach. Invited lecture. Proc. of 1st US-Canada Rock Mech. Symp., Vancouver.
234. Barton. N. 2007. Rock mass characterization for excavations in mining and civil engineering. Proc. of Int. Workshop on Rock Mass Classification in Mining, Vancouver.
235. Barton, N. 2007. Thermal over-closure of joints and rock masses and implications for HLW repositories. Proc. of 11th ISRM Congress, Lisbon.
236. Barton, N. & M. Abrieu, 2007. City metro tunnels and stations that should have been deeper. Proc. of Int. Workshop, Underground Works under Special Conditions, Madrid. (Permission not obtained, 4 days before 12/1/2007 accident).
237. Barton, N. 2007. Time-lapse interpretation using fracture shear phenomena. Extended Abstract, EAGE/SEG, London.
238. Barton, N. 2007. Linking seismic velocity to rock quality Q and to seismic quality Q in the near-surface. Extended Abstract, EAGE/SEG, London.
239. Barton, N. 2007. Fracture-induced seismic anisotropy when shearing is involved in production from fractured reservoirs 12th IWSA, Beijing, 2006. Seismic Anisotropy, Special Issue. Journal of Seismic Exploration, Geophysical Press, Vol. 16, No. 2-4, December 2007.
240. Barton, N. 2007. Seismic Q and rock quality Q: Some common ground due to dynamic compliance and pseudo-static stiffness. Geophysical Prospecting.
241. Barton, N. 2007. Anisotropy and 4D caused by two fracture sets, four compliances, and sheared apertures. The Leading Edge, SEG, Sept. 2007, 1112-1117.
242. Barton, N. 2007. Near-surface gradients of rock quality, deformation modulus, Vp and Qp to 1km depth. First Break, EAGE,October, 2007, Vol. 25, 53-60.


243. Barton, N. 2008. Shear strength of rockfill, interfaces and rock joints and their points of contact in rock dump design. Keynote lecture, Workshop on Rock Dumps for Mining, Perth.
244. Barton, N. and Bieniawski, Z.T. 2008. RMR and Q - setting records straight.
Tunnels and Tunnelling International, Feb. 2008, 26-29.
245. Barton, N. 2008. A unique metro accident. Tunnels and Tunnelling International May, 28-31.
246. Barton, N. 2008. A unique metro accident in Brazil caused by multiple factors. 2nd Brazilian Congress of Tunnels and Underground Structures, São Paulo, Brazil.
247. Barton, N. 2008. The main causes of the Pinheiros cavern collapse. International Workshop (TC41) Geotechnical Infrastructure for Mega Cities and New Capitals. COBRAMSEG2008, Buzios, Brazil.
248. Barton, N. 2008. Combining borehole characterization and various seismic measurements in tunnelling. Invited lecture. Proc. VI th South American Congress on Rock Mechanics, Bogota, Colombia.
249. Barton, N.2008. TBM tunnel construction in difficult ground. Invited lecture. Proc. VI th South American Congress on Rock Mechanics, Bogota, Colombia.
250. Barton, N.2008. The unique metro collapse in São Paulo in 2007. Invited lecture. Proc. VI th South American Congress on Rock Mechanics, Bogota, Colombia.
251. Barton, N. 2008. Tragic collapse of a station cavern during construction of the São Paulo metro: unexpected and unpredictable ground conditions despite eleven boreholes. Fjellsprengningsteknikk/Bergmekanikk/Geoteknikk 2008, Oslo, Norway.
252. Barton, N. 2008. Important aspects of petroleum reservoir and crustal permeability and strength at several kilometres depth. Keynote lecture, ARMS, Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Teheran, Iran.
253. Barton, N. 2008. a) Are geophysicists looking for the most productive fractures when interpreting shear wave splitting? b) Compaction studies at ‘block-scale’ considering discontinuous behaviour. c) Some important aspects of fracture characterization for 4D interpretation. d) 4D-effects at large scale in the reservoir, and in the subsiding overburden. Poster Session, AAPG-SPE-SEG Hedberg Res. Conf. on The Geologic Occurrence and Hydraulic Significance of Fractures in Reservoirs. Casper, Wyoming, USA.


254. Barton, N. 2009. Differential Weathering and Adverse Discontinuities were the Apparent Causes of a Tragic Metro Accident in Brazil. Proc. Int. Conf. on Rock Joints and Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona.
255. Barton, N. 2009. The Pinheiros Disagreement. Letter to the Editor, Tunnels and Tunnelling International, March 2009.
256. Barton, N. 2009. A Tragic and Unpredictable Station Cavern Collapse During Construction of a Metro, Despite Extensive Drilling Investigations. Sinorock, Hong Kong.
257. Barton, N. 2009. Main causes of the Pinheiros cavern collapse. ITA congress, Budapest.
258. Barton. N. 2009. Metro construction at the most unfavourable depth caused a major metro station collapse in Brazil due to a unique sub-surface structure. Keynote lecture. EUROCK, Cavtat, Serbia.
259. Barton, N. 2009. TBM prognoses in hard rock with faults using QTBM methods. Keynote paper. Inst. of Materials, Minerals & Mining, Hong Kong. IoM3.


260. Barton. N. 2010. Low Stress and High Stress Phenomena in Basalt Flows. Keynote paper. 3rd International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Geo-Engineering in Volcanic Environments. Tenerife.
261. Barton. N. 2010. TBM prognoses for hard rock with weakness zones, using open-gripper or double-shield solutions. Keynote paper. Int. Conf. on Underground Constructions, Transport and City Tunnels, Prague.
262. Barton, N. & B. Gammelsæter, 2010. Application of the Q-system and QTBM prognosis to predict TBM tunnelling potential for the planned Oslo-Ski rail tunnels. Nordic Rock Mechanics Conf., Kongsberg, Norway.
263. Barton, N. 2010. TBM prognoses through hard rock, high stress, or weakness zones, using QTBM methods with open-gripper or double-shield TBM. Keynote lecture, VII th South American Congress of Rock Mechanics, Lima Peru.
264. Barton, N. and B. Gammelsæter. 2010. Predicting TBM advance using the Q-system and QTBM. Tunnelling Journal, Oct/Nov. 2010, pp. 32-36.


265. Barton, N. and S.K.Pandey, 2011. Numerical modelling of two stoping methods in two Indian mines using degradation of c and mobilization of φ based on Q-parameters. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., Vol. 48, No. 7, pp.1095-1012.
266. Barton, N. 2011. TBM prognosis for open-gripper and double-shield machines tunnelling through hard jointed rock with weakness zones. Proc. of World Tunnelling Congress, ITA, Helsinki.
267. Barton, N. 2011. From empiricism, through theory, to problem solving in rock engineering. ISRM Cong., Beijing. 6th Müller Lecture. Proceedings, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 1.
268. Barton, N. 2011. An Engineering Assessment of Pre-Injection in Tunnelling. Keynote lecture. Indian Conf. on Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling. Roorkee, India, 2011.
269. Barton, N. 2011. Baklengssalto for Norsk Tunnelbygging. (In Norwegian: Backwards summersault for Norwegian Tunnel Construction). Teknisk Ukeblad, Dec. 5th, 2011.
270. Barton, N. 2012. From Empiricism, through Theory, to Problem Solving in Rock Engineering – a shortened version of the 6th Müller Lecture. ISRM News journal, Vol. 14, Dec. 2011, pp. 60-66.


271. Barton, N. 2012. Assessing Pre-Injection in Tunnelling. Tunnelling Journal, Dec.2011/Jan. 2012, pp. 44-50.
272. Barton, N. 2012. Reducing risk in long deep tunnels by using TBM and drill-and-blast methods in the same project – the hybrid solution. Keynote lecture. Risk in Underground Construction. J. Rock Mech. and Geotech. Eng., 4(2): 115-126, CSRME, Wuhan. Chinese Academy of Engineering.
273. Barton, N. 2012. Shear strength criteria for rock, rock joints, rockfill, interfaces and rock masses. Proc. of 2nd Int. Symp. On Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials: Advances and New Applications (IS-Model 2012), p. 1-15, Springer, Beijing.
274. Barton, N. 2012. Defining NMT as part of the NATM SCL debate. TunnelTalk, Ed. Shani Wallace. Sept. 2012, 4 p.
275. Barton, N. 2012. Hybrid TBM and Drill-and-Blast from the start. Tunnelling Journal, Dec. 2012, p.22-32.


276. Barton, N. 2013. Challenges and empirical solutions when tunnelling for hydro-power. Water Power and Dam Engineering, January, 2013, p. 24-27.
277. Barton, N. 2013. Rock Engineering Challenges and Some Solutions for Hydropower Projects. Keynote lecture, 4th Indian Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Conf. Waknaghat, N. India
278. Barton, N. 2013. Shear strength criteria for rock, rock joints, rock fill and rock masses: Problems and some solutions. Jour. of Rock Mech.and Geotech. Eng., JRMGE Wuhan, Elsevier, 5(2013) 249-261.
279. Barton, N. 2013. Integrated empirical methods for the design of tunnels, shafts and caverns in rock, based on the Q-system. 3rd Int. Symp. on Tunnels and Shafts in Soil and Rock, SMIG/Amitos, 17p. Nov. 2013, Mexico City.
280. Barton, N. 2013. TBM  prognoses  for  open-gripper  and  double-shield machines: challenges  and  solutions  for  weakness  zones  and  water. FJELLSPRENGNINGSTEKNIKK – BERGMEKANIKK - GEOTEKNIKK, Oslo, 21.1-21.17, Nov. 2013.
281. Barton, N. 2013. Characterization of fracture shearing for 4D interpretation of fractured reservoirs. 2nd. EAGE workshop on fractured reservoirs, Muscat, Oman.
282. Barton, N. 2013. Geomechanics and geophysical processes in naturally fractured reservoirs. 2nd. EAGE workshop on fractured reservoirs, Muscat, Oman.


283. Barton, N. and E. Grimstad, 2014. Tunnel and cavern support selection in Norway, based on rock mass classification with the Q-system. Norwegian Tunnelling Society, NFF, Publ. 23. 39 p.
284. Barton, N. 2014. Shear strength of rock, rock joints, and rock masses: problems and some solutions. Keynote lecture, Eurock, Vigo, 2014.
285. Barton, N. 2014. Lessons learned using empirical methods applied in mining. Keynote lecture. 1st. Int. Conf. on Applied Empirical Methods in Mining. Lima, Peru, 24p.
286. Barton, N. 2014. Non-linear behaviour for naturally fractured carbonates and frac-stimulated gas shales. First Break, Vol. 32, 51-66, Sept. 2014.
287. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2014. Gas-shale fracturing and fracture mobilization in shear: Quo Vadis? Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure. SBMR. ISRM specialized conference, Goiana, Brazil, 12p.
288. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2014. Most rock masses are likely to be anisotropic. Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure. SBMR. ISRM specialized conference, Goiana, Brazil, 8p.
289. Barton, N. and E. Grimstad, 2014. Q-system application in NMT and NATM and the consequences of overbreak. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Sprayed Concrete – Modern Use of Sprayed Concrete in Underground Support. Sandefjord, Norway.
290. Barton, N. and E. Grimstad, 2014. Q-system - An illustrated guide after 40 years in Tunnelling.
291. Barton, N. 2014. Non-linear shear strength for rock, rock joints, rockfill and interfaces. Raúl Marsal Lecture, XXVIIth National Meeting of SMIG, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 28p.
292. Barton, N. and Grimstad, E. 2014. Forty years with the Q-system in Norway and abroad.FJELLSPRENGNINGSTEKNIKK, NFF, Oslo, 4.1-4.25.


293. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2015. Anisotropy is everywhere, to see, to measure and to model. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. July 2015, Volume 48, pp. 1323-1339.
294. Barton, N. 2015. Forty Years with the Q-system – Lessons and Developments. Keynote lecture, Underground Design and Construction Projects. Hong Kong Inst. of Materials, Minerals & Mining, IoM3, pp. 1-25.
295. Barton, N. 2015. Where is the non-linear rock mechanics in the linear geomechanics of gas shales? Keynote lecture. China Shale Gas, Wuhan. 25p.
296. Barton, N. and N. Bar, 2015. Introducing the Q-slope method and its intended use within civil and mining engineering projects. EUROCK 2015 & 64th Geo-mechanics, Salzburg, 6p.
297. Barton, N. 2015. TBM  performance, prognosis and risk caused by faulting. Plenary invited lecture, VIIIth   S. American Rock Mech. Congress, Buenos Aires, 40 pages.


298. Barton, N. and Bilgin, N. 2016. Fast or slow progress with TBM in ideal or faulted conditions. Proc. of Eurock 2016, Cappadocia, Turkey.
299. Bar, N., Barton, N. and C. A. Ryan, 2016. Application of the Q-slope method to highly weathered and saprolitic rocks in Far North Queensland. Proc. of Eurock 2016, Cappadocia, Turkey.
300. Barton, N.R. 2016. Non-linear shear strength descriptions are still needed in petroleum geomechanics, despite 50 years of linearity. 50th US Rock Mech. Houston. ARMA 16, paper 252, 12 p.
301. Barton, N. 2016. Cavern and Tunnel Failures due to Adverse Structural Geology. 2nd International Specialized. Conf. on Soft Rocks, Cartagena, Colombia. Keynote lecture. 18p.


302. Barton, N. and Shen, B., 2017. Risk of shear failure and extensional failure around over-stressed excavations in brittle rock. Keynote lecture, Geosafe 2016. 1st. Int. Symp. on Reducing Risks in Site Investigation, Modelling and Construction for Rock Engineering. Xi’an, China.. J. of Rock Mech. & Geotech. Eng., Vol.9 No. 2, 210-225. Elsevier.
303. Barton, N.R. and S.C. Bandis, 2017. Characterization and modelling of the shear strength, stiffness and hydraulic behaviour of rock joints for engineering purposes. Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Ed. Xia-Ting Feng, Vol. 1, Ch. 1, pp. 3-40. Taylor & Francis.
304. Barton, N. and Shen, B. 2017. Extension failure mechanisms explain failure initiation in deep tunnels and critical heights of cliff faces and near-vertical mountain walls. US Rock Mech. Symp. San Fransisco, ARMA17-686, 20p.
305. Barton, N. 2016. Cavern and Tunnel Failures due to Adverse Structural Geology. 2nd International Specialized. Conf. on Soft Rocks, Cartagena, Colombia. Keynote lecture. 18p.
306. Barton, N. and E. Grimstad, 2017. Q-system: an illustrated guide for tunnelling. Ch. 27, Vol. 3 of ISRM five-volumes, Eds. X-T. Feng and J.A. Hudson, Taylor & Francis.
307. Prassetyo, S.H., M. Gutierrez and N. Barton, 2017. Nonlinear shear behavior of rock joints using a linearized implementation of the Barton-Bandis model. J. of Rock Mech. & Geotech. Eng., Elsevier.
308. Barton, N. 2017. Minimizing the Use of Concrete in Tunnels and Caverns – Comparing NATM and NMT. Keynote lecture, GeoMEast 2017 International Conference, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (SCI): Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 36p.


309. Barton, N. 2018. TBM tunnelling under difficult conditions: Too Massive, Too Faulted, Too Wet, Too Deep. Keynote lecture, TUNIROCK2018, Proc. of 1st. Int. Conf. on Advances in Rock Mech. Ed. E. Hamdi. 16p.
310. Shen, B. and N. Barton, 2018. Rock fracturing mechanisms around underground openings. Geomechanics & Engineering, Techno-Press, Ltd. V.16, No. 1, 35-47.
311. Barton, N. 2018. Research Gate Question-Answer, 22.1.2018. Response to authors who suggested that RQD could ‘rest in peace’.
312. Shen, B., Shi, J. & N. Barton, 2018. An Approximate Non-Linear Modified Mohr-Coulomb Shear Strength Criterion with Critical State for Intact Rocks. Journal of Rock Mech. and Geotech. Eng. 10 (2018) 645-652.
313. Bar, N. and N. Barton, 2018. Rock slope design using Q-slope and geophysical survey data. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 8p.
314. Barton, N. 2018. Thermal over-closure of rougher joint sets – consequences for HLW disposal strategies and HTM modelling. Extended abstract. Invited lecture. CouFrac, Wuhan, 4p.
315. Bar, N. and N. Barton, 2018. Q-slope. An empirical rock slope engineering approach in Australia. Australian Geomechanics, V. 53, No. 4, 473-486.
316. Barton, N. and B. Shen, 2018. Extension Strain and Rock Strength Limits for Deep Tunnels, Cliffs, Mountain Walls and the Highest Mountains. Rock Mech. and Rock Eng. Springer on-line. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-018-1558-2, 18p.
317. Barton, N., B. Shen & N. Bar, 2018. Limited heights of vertical cliffs and mountain walls linked to fracturing in deep tunnels - Q-slope application if jointed slopes. Keynote lecture. XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica Geotecnia e Desenvolvimento Urbano COBRAMSEG 2018, Salvador, Brasil
318. Shen, B., J. Shi. & N. Barton, 2018. An approximate modified nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb shear strength criterion with critical state for intact rocks. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2018), 10, 645-652. Elsevier.


319. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2019. Understanding the need for pre-injection from permeability measurements: what is the connection? J. Rock Mech. and Geotech. Eng. Vol. 11, Issue 3, June 2019, 576-597.
320. Barton, N. 2019. Deep Tunnels, Cliffs, Mountain Walls and Mountains: An Exploration of Failure Modes in Rock and Rock masses. Keynote lecture, 17p. ISRM Specialized Conf. Geotechnical Challenges in Karst. Omiš-Split, Croatia.
321. Barton, N. 2019. Underground nuclear power plants considering rock engineering precedent. NB&A report, Research Gate. 19p.
322. Bar, N. and N. Barton. 2019. The Q-slope method for rock slope engineering in faulted rocks and fault zones. Proc. of ISRM Cong. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.
323. Barton, N. 2019. Numbered questions on rock failure and GSI. Research Gate June 2019.
324. Barton, N. and C. Warren. 2019. Rock mass classification of chalk marl in the UK channel tunnels using Q. Ch. 18. Soft Rocks Mechanics and Engineering. Eds. Kanji, He, & Sousa. Springer.
325. Shen, B., Shi, Barton, N. 2019. Graphic Examples of a Logical Nonlinear Strength Criterion for Intact Rock. Technical Note. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
326. Singh, M. and N.Barton, 2019. Highest Mountains Suggest Strong Curvature of Shear Strength Envelopes for Rock. Proc. of ISRM Cong. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.


327. Barton, N. 2020. Single shell lining design and advantages. TunnelTalk, Feb. 2020, Ed. Shani Wallace, 3p.
328. Barton, N. 2020. A review of mechanical over-closure and thermal over-closure of rock joints: potential consequences for coupled modelling of nuclear waste disposal and geothermal energy development. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 99, May 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2020.103379
329. Barton, N. 2020. Rock mechanics and nuclear waste disposal. TunnelTalk, July, 2020, Ed. Shani Wallace, 5p.
330. Barton, N. 2020. Unconventional exploration of failure modes in rock and rock masses. ISRM, Eurock, Trondheim, OnePetro, 14p.
331. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2020. Some Lessons from single-shell Q-supported headrace and pressure tunnels. ISRM, Eurock, Trondheim, OnePetro, 8p.
332. Barton, N. 2020. Feedback to TunnelTalk: Hydropower watercourse failures - risks and causes. D. Brox, TunnelTalk March 2020.
333. Barton, N. 2020. Feedback to TunnelTalk: Serious occurrences in tunnelling.


334. Barton, N. 2021. Engineering geology, rock mechanics and rock engineering for the design and construction of underground (UNPP) rock caverns. ISRM Commission, Sakurai, Ch. 16, 27p. Conclusions on UNPP, 1p.
335. Barton, N. 2021. Details related to ‘the ten’ JRC profiles and further work with the Barton-Bandis criterion – why JRC, JCS and φr. Research Gate. 29p.
336. Barton, N. New ideas about failure modes in rock masses – from tunnels to Prekestolen to El Capitan to Everest. Bergmekanikkdag, Oslo. 33.1-33.20.
337. Barton, N. and E. Quadros, 2021. Technical details of single-shell NMT tunnels. 5th CBT, Congress of Brazilian Tunnelling, São Paulo, 14p.
338. Barton, N. 2021. Continuum or discontinuum – GSI or JRC?? Keynote lecture. Geotechnical Challenges in Mining, Tunnelling and Underground Structures (ICGCMTU2021) Malaysia. (Also Research Gate). 39p.


339. Barton, N. 2022. Continuum or discontinuum – that is the question (also in mining). 9th Asian Mining Cong. Kolkata. 33p.
340. Lei, Q. and N. Barton, 2022. On the selection of joint constitutive models for geomechanics simulation of fractured rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 145, May 2022, 10p.
341 .Barton, N. 2022. To be or not to be – continuum or discontinuum – that is the question – also in mining. 5th Asian Mining Congress, Kolkata, India, 33p.
342. Barton, N. 2022. Keynote Lecture: Continuum or Discontinuum – That is the Question. IX Latin American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Asuncion, Paraguay, 26p.
343. Lei, Q. and N. Barton, 2022. On the selection of joint constitutive models for geomechanics simulation of fractured rocks. Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 145, May 2022, 10p.
344. Macias, J. and N. Barton, 2022.The NTNU and QTBM methods of prognosis with emphasis on hard-rock mixed-face problems. Bergmekanikkdag, Oslo, 35.1-35.31.


345. Barton, N. 2023. Numerical Modelling Trends in Tunnelling and Rock Slope Stability: Current Concerns of Some of Us. Current Trends in Civil & Struct Eng. 9(4): 2023. DOI: 10.33552/CTCSE.2023.09.000716.
346. Barton, N., Wang, C. and R. Yong, 2023. Advances in joint roughness coefficient (JRC) and its engineering applications. J. Rock Mech. and Geotech. Eng. Wuhan. 28p.
347. Barton, N. and S. Roald, 2023. Practical guide: Pre-grouting for Tunnels in Jointed Rock. Current Trends in Civil and Structural Engineering, CTCSE, 12p.
348. Barton, N. and S. Roald, 2023. Pre-grouting of transport tunnels in jointed rock for successful control of water. Bergmekanikkdag, Oslo. 34.1 – 34.17.
349. Barton, N. 2023. GSI or JRC – continuum or discontinuum modelling – some suggestions and some critique. 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert & Kluckner (eds.) 6 pages.
350. Barton, N. 2023. GSI or JRC – continuum or discontinuum modelling – some suggestions and some critique. 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert & Kluckner (eds.) 1p, poster.


351. Barton N., E. Grimstad, R. Abrahão and N. Bar, 2024. Celebrating 50 years of Q system development for infrastructure design and follow-up. Proc. ISRM symp. New Dehli, Keynote lecture, 37p.
352. Barton, N. 2024. Personal and ISRM memories of 30 years with Eda. ISRM conference, Eda Quadros Session, New Dehli, 24p.
353. Bar, N. and N. Barton, 2024. Q‑Slope: Rock Slope Engineering 10 Years on. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-024-04064-5
354. Barton, N. 2024. JRC, JCS and ϕr – applications in the last 50 years. 75 years anniversary, Faculty of Civil Engineering, SS Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, ‘From Slide Rule to Artificial Intelligence. pp. 279-296.
355. Barton, N., E. Grimstad, R. Abrahao and N. Bar, 2024. Q-based developments during the last 50 years. Fjellsprengningskonferansen, Oslo. 24.1-24.34.
356. Barton, N., E. Grimstad, and K. Panthi, 2024. Viewpoint - response to Brox opinion on foreign application of Norwegian Tunnelling Method. (Response to article: ‘Key principles for hydropower tunnel design, construction and operation’ by D. Brox, published in H&D Issue 4, 2024. H&D Issue 5, 2024.


357. Barton, N. 2025. Reflections on an unrealistic continuum branch of rock mechanics – discontinuous behaviour comparisons. NB&A, Rock Eng. Rept, Research Gate, Jan. 2025, 30p.